Nov 3, 2008

The Drama Queen Is Alive!

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For a couple of days now, my inner Drama Queen is doing her work and is doing quite well. It is getting to be really irritating though. I've become more sensitive, weepy, and moody, as if I've been PMS-ing! No amount of progesterone intake could take away this peuso-PMS. Poor hubby doesn’t know what to do. One minute I'm, all lovey-dovey with him. The next minute, I'm this grumpy old woman. What's wrong with me? I should be happy and cheerful and all since hubby is here. Instead, I can be given an award for being such a drama mama. Hahaha. Oh well, maybe I'm just being "KSP" to my lovey. This too shall pass... I hope soon!


Conchita said...

maybe your pregnant?! hahaha!