May 16, 2008

Booze-Free Me

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Blame it on the tag Random 10 I've been thinking about those good ol' days when partying and booze was my thing. I'm serious when I say that I was a heavy heavy heavy drinker back then. And to get things rolling, whenever we have parties, I get to be the Bar Temptress and mix drinks for my friends. I especially liked mixing for dear friend I, who totally moves all the drinks I offered her. Imagine, I can down 8 shots of tequila, straight up, then just drink a sip or two of beer to break the monotony, then on with around 6 shots of pure vodka. Wasn't drunk at all after that. Just very very very tipsy. My Norwegian colleagues were very impressed when we had a drinking session one time in Malaysia, and they couldn't believe after all the booze, I was the last (Wo)man standing.

Then one day I stopped. Nope, not because I went to alcohol rehab, but because I just decided that I'm over with the booze, the scent of it, the taste. Now, even half a glass of good red wine gives me a buzzing feeling. Oh well, sometimes a girl has to move on to other more important things in life. I miss that life sometimes, but hey, I'm happy with the life I have right now.

Happy living, happy loving, happy laughing.