Apr 23, 2007

Seeing Red

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Contrary to what I have previously posted, I gave way to "luxury" and bought a brand new iPod... the Red limited edition!

I went to 4 different stores just to look for the limited edition. However, all didn't have stock, as they said that since it's a limited edition, they only order if there were any orders from customers. And it takes around 3 weeks for delivery. 3 weeks, I can hardly wait!!! On the 4th store, since there was no red iPod, I decided to just buy the green one. Still I was very excited, and got really disappointed when the store said that they don't accept AIG cards for the 0% installment plan. I grudgingly left the store. My brother tried to console me by saying that it's not meant to be. Sigh. So we went to Shangrila Mall and had dinner. Of course, i was still feeling sad about the whole iPod thing. After dinner, we strolled a little and my Dad told me to check out this store and maybe they sell iPods. Lo and behold! The first thing I saw upon entering the store was the red iPod I've been looking for! As expected, it's more expensive than the regular colors, but still, I was too excited I didn't care.

So now I'm tinkering with my latest gadget and so far I'm really happy with it. Yipee!