Apr 4, 2007

Pregnancy Updates, Shoes, and Terrible Twos

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Hmm... so many updates for the week eh?

Pregnancy Updates
Anyway, to start off, I'm on my 18th week today and boy my tummy is growing bigger! It's just so amazing how a woman's body can accommodate another (tiny and growing) human being.

My little bulge is now becoming very noticeable indeed! This was taken after me cooking for dinner (which partly explains my greasy face hahaha) just this week. I was so excited that I sent this picture to Enrique. He replied with a mix of happiness and sadness. Happy because he knows I'm doing fine and our baby is growing. Sad because... sigh... he's not around to witness it all.

Anyway, next week I'm off to to my doctor again to have my monthly checkup. I will also be having my ultrasound, to check if the cyst in my left ovary is already gone, and more importantly, to check our baby's gender (if possible). Yipee! So, at elast we'll know whether our baby will be a little Eannah Alessandra or a little Rafael Enrique!

I've been hoarding so many sandals lately, and still was unable to stop buying especially if the shoes look like these:

I just L-O-V-E these zebra print slip-ons! Can I justify my hoarding with this... "I need to buy comfy shoes because my present ones are not suitable for the pregnant me?" Hehehehehe.

Terrible Twos
Sigh... My nephew Aden is temporarily staying in our house (together with my sister and yaya) and much as I loveeeee him to death, I sometimes cannot help but think of just throwing him out of the window! He has been acting really bratty eversince he came to our house, probably because he suddenly realized he could be king there! You know, the crying, the whining, the irritating stuff he makes (e.g. banging his toys just for kicks, or maybe coz he knows we get sooo irritated), etc. So this is what having kids aged 2 is all about, ergo the phrase "terrible two's." I still love him to death though, and couldn't help but smother him with kisses especially when he's sound asleep (whew!). But of course, there are moments when he is truly a sweetheart. Take for example this picture...

For some reason, whenever I point my phone at him to take a picture, he just poses like this! Hehehehe. What a cutie. But of course, I can't wait till our own baby is born. Hopefully he/she will be as adorable (but less bratty) as our little baby as of the moment.

Enrique Updates
Currently my husband is in Sweden and have just recovered from a mild flu. He has been enjoying the cold weather tbut then of course, springtime came and so the warmer days. It's so good that he has his own email address onboard his vessel, so our communication is non-stop. He even has an email for our housemate, just to remind her of some house chores and rules (like looking at the peephole first before opening the door). Hehehe. I miss my husband, but I guess we have to live with this kind of arrangement for a couple more years (5 years to be exact, I hope).

Anyway, that's all for now. because of the Lenten Season, it's gonna be a very long weekend, but our days will be full: Visita Iglesia, Way of the Cross, Seven Last Words, etc. And of course, a grand celebration for Easter.