Last weekend, I was bitten by a don't-stay-anywhere-but-home bug, and so I was stuck at home, with nothing much to do. At first I read some old wedding magazines and even tried to read a book. But for some reason, I wasn't that satisfied with what I was doing to kill time.
I kept on thinking what else I could do, and then I remembered the movie "The Swan," where my favorite princess Grace starred before marrying her real-life prince Rainier of Monaco. And so even though I have watched this a couple of times already, as much as I have watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's," I finally got out of bed and set up the dvd and all.
While watching the film, I again remembered the time when I thought I was getting married (but didn't)... I wanted my bridesmaid's dresses to look like the dresses worn by Grace Kelly in The Swan. It so happened that we had a formal company function, so I had a seamstress make a gown patterned after her dress. It was really elegant, and I got a lot of really good comments from both women and men. :-)
But then of course, I had to forego this plan, because my gown almost has the same design.
Anyway, going back to the movie...
The story is about a royal family with dwindling fortune, and in order to keep up, Beatrix, the mother of Princess Alexandra (Grace Kelly) hopes that the crowned prince will marry Alexandra. But when the prince, played by Sir Alec Guinness, visited their place and showed indifference to Alexandra, Beatrix made a plot to make the prince jealous, by "using" the household professor (who is secretly in love with Alexandra). Things became even more complicated when revelations took place... It reminds the viewers that love and romantic feelings are luxuries that royals sadly cannot afford.
I really liked this film, not only because of Princess Grace's captivating beauty, as well as the lovely dresses worn by her (and the rest of the women), but also because of the story itself, and a thought it imparted to viewers... Some find it uneasy to walk on common land, but become regal and majestic when in the waters, where the commoners cannot do anything but watch with admiration (secret or not, positive or jealous-clad) and awe.
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