Oct 28, 2015

Quote for The Week: Craft a Life of Purpose

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I got this quote from Joshua Becker's Becoming Minimalist Facebook Page. It is a simple but powerful message, as crafting an examined and purposeful life oftentimes involves difficult decisions to make and take. Decluttering one's life to unearth a meaningful one involves carefully weeding out all the nuisances you currently have: habits, material things, and even persons. When I say nuisances, I mean those that do not add value to the life you want to live. It is not about just taking out what you don't like or are too difficult, since there are some that may be hard to deal with, but you learn a lesson or two from them.

In my case, I have to examine the life I wanted to have, what purpose do I want? After examining and deciding that this is the kind of life I want to live in, then I list down what are the values I need to have in order to support the life I wanted to craft. What then are the major aspects of my life? I need to assess which contribute and which do not. It is hard, but I must wean off from those that bring me farther way from my goal, in order to spend more time to maintain, nourish, and cultivate those that matter.

To summarize,

  • Examine what you want in life.
  • Reflect what values you need, the principles and beliefs you live by.
  • List what major habits, persons, material possessions you have - everything, not just the good and the bad.
  • Carefully assess if they contribute to the life you wanted to live.
  • Decide to remove those that do not add value.
  • Maintain, nourish, and cultivate those that are important.