Dec 27, 2012

Seasons Greetings 2012

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Happy Holidays!!!!

Dec 15, 2012

There is a Time for Things to Happen

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I always kept on saying that there is a reason for everything, that things happen for a reason, and that there is always that right time for things to happen. Yet, there are times when I doubt these words, doubt too much that I couldn't even express them in this site.

A few months ago I doubted about why changes had to happen in my life. That was the time when I felt very depressed... too depressed that I had a breakdown which even got my parents so worried.

I wanted to let go and quit. However, circumstances sent me on daily detours. I was oh so ready, but quitting did not happen. Slowly whatever hurt I felt began to heal and relationships became better.

Then a big break came. It was so sudden that I'm still actually catching up with the tide. Yet, it all made sense. Before the big break, I wondered what was the main reason why I wasn't able to let go as planned.

Maybe letting go and quitting back then wasn't the right time, because a few things had to be settled. And the time between the big heartbreak and the big break was a necessary period for me to mend myself, hear words that I ought to hear, heal relationships and make them stronger. It was indeed necessary.

And I'm very happy, in a sense at peace, that before I go to the next chapter of my life, everything fell into place as it should be.

What's Happening to the World?

I was shocked to read about the news on the Newton shooting where 20 kids were killed when a man open fired inside a school. I was crying too when I watched President Obama's speech, and it just made me all the more sad that there are still poor souls who do not value life. I feel disturbed at the fact that kids 5-10 years of age died senseless deaths. They were there to enjoy, to learn, to have fun, and to be kids. Little did they know what was about to happen to them.

I grieve for the families who never imagined this would happen. Families who never said their goodbyes to these little angels.

What is happening to the world today? Some say it is because the end of days are coming and thus evil is abound. I have a different view about the end of days (supposedly 21 Dec 2012), though, and I feel this stab in the heart and pain in my soul what had just happened. It's hard to trust people or institutions nowadays, and no amount of personal background check or scrutiny of people and organizations or places can take away these kinds of possibilities.

I just wish we as human being find within ourselves our reason for living, the meaning to life, and embrace wholeheartedly the path for us. Till then, we cannot find peace.

Dec 11, 2012

Difference Between a Boss and a Leader

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Something to keep in mind!

Sharing: Is Our Fear of Death Destroying Our Planet?

Just want to share this post I read through Facebook. Accepting the knowledge of our finite life allows us to live with a different concept of time - one that focuses on each moment. It also helps us to understand (I would use "rediscover") our connection to nature.

Is Our Fear of Death Destroying the Planet?

There is a reason that despite the overwhelming evidence that our exponential, growth-based economic system is destroying the very foundations of life on the planet that change has still been hard to come by. The reason is not because of human greed. Greed, too, is a symptom. It’s not because of a competitive human nature. Humans are actually soft-wired for empathy. It’s not even due to some global conspiracy to rule the world. People just aren’t that capable. The reason we cannot “wake up” to the unsustainable nature of our way of life may be traced to our awareness of our finite life and the linear concept of time that it creates….

Accepting the knowledge of our finite life allows us to live with a different concept of time – one that focuses on each moment. It also helps us to understand our connection to nature. Like everything else, our bodies are subject to the natural lifecycle of growth, maturation, and decay. The current culture of death denial not only attempts to elevate humans above nature; it actually fuels a system that destroys nature as well. In the attempt to preserve our own life, we may actually destroy it.

What might an economy look like that instead of focusing on securing the future needs for some, it cared about meeting the current needs for all? What would happen if money was designed after nature in a way that it decayed over time? Perhaps instead of chasing the illusive reward of ever more money, we might focus on what is truly most important – things like clean water and nutritious food for our bodies, a healthy environment void of pollution and toxic chemicals, and sustainable ways of living on the planet. An abundant world is possible but only if we take yet another cue from nature by focusing on meeting the present needs of every human, animal, and plant on the planet. We must value life in all of its forms and create modes of living based on the principles of interconnectivity, empathy, and the love of life, allowing it to flourish in all of its diversity and beauty. If we begin to view each moment of our lives as the gift it truly is, we can finally shed this very real fear that holds us back from living our lives in a way that allows us to be present each and every moment.

I guess it really is a matter of choice for us human beings, to realize that this kind of fear does destroy our earth. More than just changing our lifestyle, patronizing eco-friendly products (e.g. using rechargable batteries than non-ones), eating healthy; we need to change our mindset, change our perspective about life and death.

Dec 9, 2012

6 Years

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6 Years of Wackiness with my beloved husband!

That memorable day....

Lookie, some old photos too!

Playing Kids

On a serious note, may our married life be one of love, laughter, respect, and content.

Dec 8, 2012

The End of the World?

I seriously have nothing to write about. Wait, this is something to write about.... and this something is called "nothing to write about!"


Seriously, I'm in a writing rut right now. Have been, for quite some time already. I don't know what's with this year, but it seems to me that time has passed me by without documenting the wonderful moments that happened this year (Eanna's development, team's sports trophies from our team building sessions, married life, etc). I may have been a little too negative I guess, because I'm inclined to assessing this year as something not too good.

But I'll try to be a bit more positive and talk about something...

Spirituality Perhaps?

Ok, the supposed "end of the world" will be this 21 Dec, 2012. The Winter Solstice date, Yule. I had so many plans before of travelling to higher ground just in case the conspiracy theories are actually correct. These plans will not materialize. First, no time to prepare. Second, no budget. Europe / Scandinavian countries aren't exactly cheap, you know. Hahaha. Lastly, I think I dont want to leave behind my family. Hehehee.

But I learned just this week that 21 Dec marks the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (read more about it here at Astrodynamics and Librarising). So I guess that's the meaning of the "end of the world" right and no cause for concern, but for us to open our inner spiritualities and minds for change.

Hahaha, being spiritual much? Well it's because that's what I've been trying to rediscover lately.

Maybe this is also one of the main reasons why I don't post anymore the usual stuff that I post - fashion, parenting, food, interior design. Is this one of the manifestations of change due to the changing of an Age?

Not sure about this, but really, for the past few months, the only fashion-y related stuff I'm interested in is nail polish. Too crazy about them for my own good. But that is a different topic, riiightttt?

So anyways, wow, this is a lot considering that initially I had nothing to write about. But yeah, I'm in this phase of my life where it is scary at the same time exciting and liberating. I've rediscovered what I have always been interested at, and now I think I'm more serious than ever in trying to live a more spiritual life, more push for natural family living (I still can't take Eanna's hands off my phone though, must try harder), and more concern for the community and nature. These have always been my interest, they just got lost in a mess called capitalism, individualism, and materialism. Hahaha.

I'm back to the traditional writing a journal but I will really try my best to post more in my blog, I hate to let go of it after years of pouring my heart out in my own sacred cyberspace.

Quite a lot considering it's an early morning weekend post. But it is a major update of what's happening to me right now.

So... end of the world? Dec 21? I'm looking forward to it. With my family. Better be safe than sorry. Hahaha!

Dec 1, 2012

You Are Sacred Purpose

You are Sacred Purpose.

You are not your shame, your fears, your addictions, your games, your guilt, the internalized remnants of negative messaging…
You are not your resistance to your true path …
You are not your self-doubt…
You are not your self-distraction patterns.
You are not your escape hatches…
You are not your pessimism about a life of meaning and purpose.
You are not here merely to survive and endure.

No matter what others have mistakenly told you about who you are, no matter what mistakes you may have made in the past, you are here with a sacred purpose living at the core of your being. If that weren’t true you never would have made it down the birth canal. You never would have overcome what you have already overcome in your life.

 You are a Sacred Purpose. ~Jeff Brown