Aug 6, 2012

Dreaming of Beach

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Funny, just when the rainy season came in, I have thoughts about the beach and how it feels to be one with nature (wow, heavy huh?). Maybe its because I longed for those serene moments when you stare into the horizon while listening to the waves, pondering about life. Maybe it is also because I need some inspiration to keep me going, to keep me engaged and motivated to "stay where I am right now." Before, I used to keep myself motivated by having a picture of my dream home stuck on my monitor. Now, maybe I need to have a picture of a home by the beach. Hubby and I have been wanting to have a property by the beach, which is why once in a while, we take a look at possible options, even surf the internet and look at sites like for holden beach real estate. *Sigh* I wish that someday we will have a peace of land we call our own. I guess at least right now this will keep me motivated to do my best and all. *Sigh* Someday soon.