Aug 4, 2009

Crooked teeth again

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No matter how hard I try, I just keep on forgetting to use my retainers to make sure that my teeth stay in place. You see, shortly before our wedding, I had braces on after one of the makeup artists I went to told me red lips are not good for me because of my crooked teeth (Ack!). So even if it was out of our budget (thanks Tito for giving me dental discounts during the whole time), I just had to have braces to fix it somehow. And yeah, my teeth got fixed all right. But being the lazy me, I am unable to maintain my teeth.

A few weeks ago, because of one front tooth overlapping the other, a part of my tooth chipped. I had to go back to the dentist to have it fixed. And he reminded me to wear my retainers. I did a couple of days but now, not again. Ack.

Promise, I will try again.