Jul 4, 2008

Colon Care

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Some years ago there was a craze over colon cleansing, and much as I wanted to do this, I had no time (either that, or I was scared, or it wasn’t really my priority). They said that it’s good to do this at least every ten years in order to take out all the toxins that have remained (or formed and hardened?) in our colon. Blame it on being 30 (hahaha, another opportunity to bring up this excuse), but I’m seriously considering to colon cleanse this year; at least this time my better half will go with me. I wanted to do this because I know that ever since childhood I’ve felt that there is something wrong with my “system” and I just want to know that after 30 years of existence, I’m still in the pink of health. Care to do that as well?

And to those who have done this... share your thoughts please!