Apr 18, 2008

Decision Time...

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Today is the day for me to decide whether I should take the opportunity being offered to me by another company, or to just stay in my present good ol' one. My husband and I have talked about it, and I really sense that he's uneasy about me taking the new job. All he kept on saying was "Ok, I'll say yes, but YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU'LL HAVE TIME FOR US." Somewhat unfair clause right? I mean, of course there will be times when I would probably work a little longer, but I'm sure there will be also days when I'm oh so free. Besides, what is his idea of "TIME FOR US?"

Gash, these are the times when you wish you're single, thus making aggressive moves is just solely your discretion. Now, I have to consider sooo many other factors.

Anyway, I am still very uncertain. I don't know why it feels uncomfortable now. A couple of days ago i was dead-set in taking this new adventure. But now, I'm not so sure. Admittedly, talking to Enrique and my Boss has opened my eyes to some other aspects involved when I choose to take the demanding-but-high-paying-offer. The points they raised made me think twice, really.

I really just hope that before this day ends, a sign will be given to me, on whether to say DEAL or NO DEAL.


* said...

Something that i have proven to be correct is when i am in doubt, something may not necessarily work well. On the other hand, you wouldn't know exactly what's in store for you until you grab it. And when something didnt work well, and you regret it, at least you know you've tried. Hehe, did i make it more confusing to you? And it's true that when it comes to career matters or big change such as this, there are always other things to consider. But if it is a matter of making time for your family as an issue, time management is the key. There are so many demanding jobs out there and people still manage to have a fair balance between work and family. So that is really all up to you. I will be more concerned on company stability/job security over all other things.