I have only read around 40% of the book, but so far what I have gathered from these pages are the following:
- The Law of Attraction is perfect, and whatever you ask for and believe you will get it, then you will receive it.
- The more grateful you are about something, the more you will attract that something to you.
- Good thoughts bring about good tidings, whereas bad thoughts bring about, well, bad stuff.
- You can get and be what you want as long as you focus your thoughts (good ones) on your wants.
Well... I think this "secret" advocated by the book is not really an astounding find for optimistic people (like me). I mean, there are actually a couple of people who have never read the book, nor the books of the authors mentioned by Ms. Byrnes, and still one of their mantras is "if you want something to happen, claim it." Another is that if you just change your perspective in life, then changes are bound to happen. Of course, this may shed new light to some pessimists, enabling them to shift to new "frequencies," but what will one think if he eventually fails (and he might quote the book "getting one dollar is the same as getting a million dollars"). Does this mean that it's the person's fault, that he didn't think enough good thoughts?
Maybe i am more inclined to the saying "things happen for a reason," but anyway, there is actually no harm in asking what you want, believing that you can get what you want, and then receive (and be grateful) once you get what you want. So I should give it a try:
ASK: Enrique will be here in time for my delivery
BELIEVE: He will be home on time!
RECEIVE: We'll see later on....(and if this happens, I would really be grateful)
Other good reviews are from here:
- E-pinions
- Amazon Readers Reviews (especially from Old School)
So, is it worth reading? Maybe.
Is it life-changing? Hmmm... maybe to some.
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