Nov 6, 2006

Bridal Shower: Spa Theme

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My bridal shower held last Saturday was truly a blast, and I was really happy and thankful to my friend Sarah for setting up a spa-themed shower for me. Six of my friends came over and I was really glad they were really up for it. They each brought their own sleepover attire and their own spa kits.

Of course Sarah was very complete in preparing for the shower, so she prepared these goodie treats for each of us. Mine of course was extra special... I had a towel cake!

Food was fantastic as well! Lasagna, garlic bread, fajitas, and fish "fingers" were served, and of course wine. Tehehehe.

Then of course there was the spa service of which we availed: foot spa and body massage. We first started with a foot spa, and ended the night with an hour-long body massage. Very relaxing. :D

The ticklish me!

We chit-chatted about various things, but what I really appreciated the most was the time when they asked me about Enrique and I: his most romantic gestures, comedic instances, why Enrique, etc... Though I found it hard to answer the questions (hahaha after an argument with Enrique that morning) it made me think of the wonderful moments we had in the past, and of course, made me more in love with Enrique.

Me and some of my friends

Then there was the game.... There was a bag full of undies, and I had to guess who gave what to me. Every time I guessed wrong, I would have to wear them. My friends of course were merciful and they made me first wear some pants.

The whole night was really fun, and I was really happy that my friends took time out to spend one night with me.

The morning after... breakfast in Jollibee... Thanks Sarj!