Sep 9, 2004

Full Speed Ahead!

After only a week's stay in the Philippines, I am back here again in Kuala Lumpur for a whole-week meeting with our company president regarding our management system project - specifically the Corporate Manual section. I joke around that maybe Crown Princess Hotel should a have a dedicated room for me since I go here almost every other week since July/August.

But anyway, I have done so much progress so far with regard to the corporate manual, and I have just finished drafting some new policies that will take into effect as soon as the whole integrated system is worked out - a must by end-2004.

While having lunch with the Prez the other day, he asked me a question that surely excited me, yet at the same time made me nervous: "Can you present what we have done so far to the Board of Directors?" He assured me that he will be there to help me out. Time slowed down for me. To present to Mr. Wilhelmsen himself, to the CEO, and to the Senior Management Team? Why me?!? But then again, I composed myself and said, "Yes I can." And added... "But I may feel nervous." So that's a done deal, and I will be back here by the first week of October, a week after the Marketing and Manning Conference a little over a week from now, of which I might attend... See? I'm here every other week!

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, and I thought that he half-meant it, until the Office Manager told me that I will attend the Annual Dinner that same day.

Of course, I feel good that our company's President has confidence in me and in my capabilities, and up until now I am still speechless with regard to that matter. I haven't told this tidbit to anyone else save for my Enrique, and he's so proud of me. I hope this will lead to good things for me here in this company.


Anonymous said...

congrats van! i'm really happy for're really making waves there!...who could imagine you'll reach KL for your talents while you just started practicing from the launching of the "flexi-stock loan"?! hahaha! good luck! break a leg girl! - ruthy

Anna said...

where'd you stay during your stay here in the philipines? :)