Aug 27, 2013

Investment Roller Coaster Ride

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Just to tame me and get my mind off that dang Mulberry bag, I updated my investment portfolio, and *sigh*

Things are a bit dismal, really.

I've no shame in showing my stock picks, as I think these are good investments anyways. However, the stock market being the stock market, one can never really tell. Yes, people got millions out of trading, and there was a time when I profited (a decade ago!) before trading again this year. However, due to economic conditions, other Asian markets down, plus fears over the US Fed Tapering, our own stock market, amid being one of the best performers, is expected to go down. And down it did go.

I still feel that my stock picks will pick up again. Just a few weeks ago, they were profiting by more than 10%! I even profited by 15% when I sold my Jollibee shares. :)

I guess I'm a risk taker and for me, it's still better than putting my money in a bank with what, almost 0% interest per annum!

Currently my total portfolio is 5.05% down, and it's composed of the following:

  • Peso Bond Mutual Funds - 31%
  • Equity Mutual Funds - 35%
  • Balanced Fund - 14%
  • Stocks - 20% (the one above)
I will still continue regularly putting in monthly investments in my mutual funds, but probably halt first in stock trading and remain as is until market picks up a bit. :)

Bayswater Double Zip Bag

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Here I am trying so hard to save and invest and set financial goals, then here comes this piece of apple...
This is the new Mulberry Bayswater Double Zip Tote.


Now back to regular programming.

Aug 18, 2013

Linkin Park Live in Manila 2013

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My brother and I went on a "fan date" and attended the much awaited return of Linkin Park live in Manila, and what can I say? It truly was the best night of my life.

Not only was I blessed to have the opportunity to watch them live, I was also blessed with the fact that by being an LPU member, I was chosen as one of the members to meet them before the concert! LPU HQ was even kind enough to accommodate my request that since I am almost 7 months pregnant, if I could have my brother accompany me. Such very nice people, indeed!

Without further ado, the highlight of my night... meeting my "parallel universe" (yes that's my code) Mike Shinoda....

I was really speechless and shy but thank goodness my brother was able to take this shot. Mike Shinoda looked exactly how I imagined him to be (with years and years of imagining, I should get it right right? hahahaha).

Anyways, I had all band members sign my personal journal:

And here's the collage made by my bro in his IG:

I would love to have relived these moments, especially when I met MS. Goodness. And the concert. THE CONCERT! Really really happy that I witnessed them singing their hearts out live. 

Aug 3, 2013

Yes, It's Been This Long

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Yup it's been a long time since I last posted here in my blog. Been caught up with so many things like work, pregnancy, finances, and of course, my ever charming dalagita. Been too lazy and forgot about blogging that I lost my renewal of my blog domain "mylavenderfields" which until now I regret.

Anyway, what's u is that I've finally seen a glimpse of my little one, and the baby is a boy! I'm due on the 28th of October, and honestly, the feeling is a mixture of excitement and fear. Excited because hey, I'm going to have a baby and my family is growing! A baby is always a blessing! Fear because, well, life is hard now, plus another aspect is that I will undergo a CS operation. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to seeing my new baby.

Work-wise, it's still hectic as ever, with new challenges everyday. Let's not go into that, haha.

What I am currently focused on is my finances (obvious ba). Too fixated with stocks, investing, mutual funds, and growing our nest egg. I have a renewed interest in interior design so I guess this is the start of my "nesting," hahaha.

Other than that, my life is the same old one, filled with love, laughter, and blessings. :)

PS: I do hope I get my blogging mojo back. I miss blogging, seriously.