Jan 29, 2007

First Glimpse

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Our baby, 8 weeks old....

The early two weeks were a bit taxing as I was slowly adjusting to my pregnant body. I hardly ate, and had feelings of vomoting (but never actually vomitted). But at the middle of the 7th week, I noticed that the "morning sickness" was slowly fading, and that I was beginning to eat more than the past weeks. The doctor said that maybe I have already adapted to the changes in my body. I hope this will continue and that I will no longer suffer those dreaded morning sicknesses.

Up until now though, I easily get tired. Though in the morning i feel ok, it is towards night time that my batteries are really drained. I do hope this will improve. I just keep telling baby that we love him/her and that we can't wait to see him/her.

I couldn't help but cry upon seeing the first glimpse of our baby. S/he's there! And the heart! It was beating so fast it looked so cute. Then we heard the heartbeat. Wow.

So this is what it feels like being a mother to be. I can't wait. I love our baby.

Jan 17, 2007

6 Weeks!

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I went to my OB last Friday, and the doc confirmed that I was six weeks pregnant! Enrique and I were very excited to hear this news. Our excitement however turned to anxiety when my doctor told me that I have a cyst in my ovary (where the egg came from) and it's a possible dermoid (which of course has to be removed). Although it was too early to do so, I had an ultrasound, and fortunately it confirmed that the cyst was physiological. Whew! Anyway, the gestation sac was visible, but the baby wasn't visible yet... too early perhaps.

It really is a blessing for us to have conceived a child considering that I had a history of having a cyst in my ovary, I have a retroverted uterus, and that sh/he is a honeymoon baby...

Jan 9, 2007

On Married Life and Honeymoon Baby...

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I'm too excited to make a post today... but here goes...

Married Life....
All I can say is that I'm so happy right now and our married life is fun! I couldn't ask for anything more and that I feel so blessed to have a wonderful and blessed life for both Enrique and I. It's so wonderful to wake up each morning seeing the man you love, to start the day together, to end the day together, to sleep and most especially to pray together. I hope this will remain always....

Honeymoon Baby...
Yup! I'm expecting! I tested positive today! I told Enrique the good news and he's so happy that he's now a father-to-be. I'm partly excited and partly scared, but this is a blessing for both of us.

That's all for now, but this day, aside from it marking our first month as husband and wife, is truly one of the most memorable moments of my life... our life...